Get to know the creative minds behind PucciPOOCHIE™!

Howdy, from Lucy Habel and her husband Rusty Habel, a proud veteran from Georgetown, Texas. Driven by a love for animals and a desire to bring both functionality and fun to our cherished pets, Lucy founded L & L Creations (PucciPOOCHIE™) in 2016.

Inspired by our very own furry companions, KJ and Bella. We understand the profound impact that pets have on our lives. Our commitment is not just about creating products; it's about crafting an experience that resonates with the unique personality and needs of your pets.

From humble beginnings at local craft fairs, we've grown into a brand that stands for more than just pet accessories.

Each bandana is proudly made in the USA, and is crafted to prioritize design and comfort. Ensuring that your pet not only looks good, but feels comfortable too.

Welcome, and thank you for being a part of the PucciPOOCHIE™ family!

Tag us on Instagram or Facebook (@puccipoochiepets) and share the joy of your pets with us!